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      thermal stress generated by processing stainless steel head
      Release Time:2011-11-29  Views :
      Stainless steel head due to the inconsistent surface and center cooling rate and time, the occurrence of thermal stress. Stainless steel head the workpiece surface pressure and heart Ministry tension under the action of thermal stress. This phenomenon is cooled velocity, material composition and heat treatment and other factors.
      Stainless steel during heat treatment due to the change in the organization that is the transformation of austenite to martensite, accompanied by an increase in specific volume expansion in volume of the workpiece, the various parts of the workpiece has a phase change, causing the volume grew inconsistency of the stress.
      The end result stainless steel head the surface tissue stress is tensile stress, the heart portion compressive stress, and thermal stress exactly the opposite. The stress in the workpiece size and cooling rate of martensite transformation zone factor, shape, chemical composition of the material.
      Thermal stress before organizational changes it has produced a stainless steel head, and the stress is generated in the organizational transformation process, the entire cooling process, heat stress and the results of the stress combined effects, that is, the work actually present stress . The results of these two combined effects of stress is very complex, being affected by many factors, such as composition, shape, heat treatment and so on. Only two types, namely thermal stress and stress, the role of the opposite direction when the two offset its development process, the role of the same direction both mutual superposition.
      Key Words : 不銹鋼封頭
      Elliptical head
      Elliptical head
      Butterfly head
      Butterfly head
      Spherical head spin edge
      Spherical head spin edge
      Flat Head
      Flat Head
      Spherical head
      Spherical head
      Bow bottom head
      Bow bottom head
      Conical head
      Conical head
      Spherical cap shaped head
      Spherical cap shaped head
      Insulation panel
      Insulation panel
      Expansion Joints
      Expansion Joints
      Jacket (cylinder) rotation side
      Jacket (cylinder) rotation side
      Manhole flange
      Manhole flange
      Wenzhou Shangshang Metal Products Co., Ltd.
      Add : 208,Zhanhong Road,Dushan,Longwan CentralIndustry,Wenzhou
      Tel : 086-577-86923687 85981288  Fax : 086-577-86913687
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