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      Stainless steel head materials and different shapes
      Release Time:2011-10-31  Views :
      Stainless steel head we can see literally, is stainless steel as the main material of the head. The most common materials are stainless steel head are many different stainless steel products, such as: 304,304L, 321,316,316L, 310S, 00Cr18Ni5Mo3Si2 (UNS S31500) (3RE60), 630, 00Cr22Ni5Mo3N (UNS S31803 / S32205) (SAF2205) , 00Cr25Ni7Mo4N (UNS S32750) (SAF2507) 304,1Cr13,2Cr13,3Cr13,1Cr17Ni2, duplex steel, antibacterial steel.
      And because the stainless steel head has a variety of different shapes, such as: stainless steel straight edge without head, spin the barrel rim, elliptical head, light type head, various sizes head spin edge, stainless steel size head spin edge, flat, rotating dome rim, spherical head. These different shapes of head, used in different industries.
      Key Words : 不銹鋼封頭
      Elliptical head
      Elliptical head
      Butterfly head
      Butterfly head
      Spherical head spin edge
      Spherical head spin edge
      Flat Head
      Flat Head
      Spherical head
      Spherical head
      Bow bottom head
      Bow bottom head
      Conical head
      Conical head
      Spherical cap shaped head
      Spherical cap shaped head
      Insulation panel
      Insulation panel
      Expansion Joints
      Expansion Joints
      Jacket (cylinder) rotation side
      Jacket (cylinder) rotation side
      Manhole flange
      Manhole flange
      Wenzhou Shangshang Metal Products Co., Ltd.
      Add : 208,Zhanhong Road,Dushan,Longwan CentralIndustry,Wenzhou
      Tel : 086-577-86923687 85981288  Fax : 086-577-86913687
      All Rights Reserved © 2016 Wenzhou Shangshang Metal Products Co., Ltd    Zhejiang ICP No. 08,005,782
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