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      Comparison Process head cold and hot processing
      Release Time:2011-10-26  Views :
      Processing head is generally divided into cold and hot working are two, compare the following three aspects of the two paper processing head were:
      A, head cold material deterioration does not occur, especially suitable for processing stainless steel head;
      Thermal processing material deterioration will occur, resulting in decreased corrosion resistance of stainless steel head, stainless steel head is not suitable for processing.
      B, cold will not change the size of the contraction caused by cooling, regular shape, size, accuracy and consistency;
      Hot forming mold can cause thermal expansion and contraction of the cooling head, the size difference is difficult to control and consistency.
      C, to maintain the surface after head cold forming smooth surface of the original material, beautiful appearance.
      Surface oxide formed after thermal processing head of serious and difficult to remove.
      Key Words : 不銹鋼封頭
      Elliptical head
      Elliptical head
      Butterfly head
      Butterfly head
      Spherical head spin edge
      Spherical head spin edge
      Flat Head
      Flat Head
      Spherical head
      Spherical head
      Bow bottom head
      Bow bottom head
      Conical head
      Conical head
      Spherical cap shaped head
      Spherical cap shaped head
      Insulation panel
      Insulation panel
      Expansion Joints
      Expansion Joints
      Jacket (cylinder) rotation side
      Jacket (cylinder) rotation side
      Manhole flange
      Manhole flange
      Wenzhou Shangshang Metal Products Co., Ltd.
      Add : 208,Zhanhong Road,Dushan,Longwan CentralIndustry,Wenzhou
      Tel : 086-577-86923687 85981288  Fax : 086-577-86913687
      All Rights Reserved © 2016 Wenzhou Shangshang Metal Products Co., Ltd    Zhejiang ICP No. 08,005,782
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